Setup SSH logins
Setup secure SSH logins
Dont use ssh-copy-id cause its actually quite messy
Client side
Genereate local SSH key pair
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Optional: Give it a memorable password
Upload public key, name it something useful
$ scp ~/.ssh/ [USER]@[USER]/.ssh/[KEYNAME].pub
bsp: $ scp ~/.ssh/ tobias@
Server side
Append key to authorized keys file
$ cat [KEYNAME].pub >> authorized_keys
Set correct permissions on server:
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/ $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*
In case of a local server you may need to to this:
Check if the service is working and if the firewall is configured properly
$ sudo service ssh status $ sudo ufw allow ssh
Check if the service is enabled after a restart, if not run no2 as well
$ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled | grep ssh $ sudo systemctl enable ssh
Deactivate password only auth
Make a backup of the config
$ sudo cp /atc/ssh/sshd_config cp /atc/ssh/sshd_config.bak
Change config
$ sudo nano cp /atc/ssh/sshd_config
There uncomment the line "PasswordAuthentication yes" and change it to no.
Restart the ssh service
$ sudo service ssh restart