Improve system security
Systemsicherheit [de]
Don't be a fucking idiot and then some
important: read [[setup-ssh]]!
Prevent spam, DDoS or Brute Force attacks
$ sudo apt install fail2ban $ sudo systemctl enable fail2ban $ sudo systemctl start fail2ban
UFW Firewall
Essential commands
- ufw allow
- ufw deny
- ufw status
- ufw enable
- ufw default deny incoming
- ufw default allow outgoing
- ufw limit
Personally, I allow:
- 22/tcp SSH
- 25 SMTP
- 143 IMAP
- 420 SSH
- 443/tcp HTTPS
and deny
- 80/tcp HTTP <-- insecure
and set the standard: deny incoming, allow outgoing
is a special kind of fun and can be found here: [[container-apps-docker]]
* [[system-security]]
Be sure to check out [[system-security]] for basic tips on that.